Fatherhood is one of the most important roles I’ll ever fill. As a parent, it’s really important to make sure that your impact is filled with positive, high-quality experiences. Even with all of the stressors you have on your life as an adult, it’s still so important to show up for your child. In order to make the most of your fatherhood experience, consider the following tips.

Exercise patience

Children are new to the world. Despite what they may claim, they don’t know everything. However, it’s best to understand that if you don’t teach them, they won’t learn. Don’t always assume they know everything and get angry with them. It might take many conversations before they fully grasp a lesson you’re trying to teach. Though it might be frustrating, always exercise patience.

Spend quality time

Carve out time to enjoy your children. If you have a job that requires you to have to travel, schedule a Skype date with the kids each day you’re away. When you’re with your children, make sure you take time out to read them bedtime stories, cook and eat dinner together, and go for outings to places like the park, zoo, museums, and concerts. Get rid of electronics when you’re in their presence. Unless you’re planning on taking a picture or a video, put the phone down and be in the moment.

Partner with their mother

Make sure your children know that you’re in a strong partnership with their mother. If their mother says no, the answer is no. You’re not going to contradict her. Furthermore, do your best to always be loving and kind to their mother. Your children are watching your example.

Allow their personalities to shine

If you notice that one child seems to be obsessed with tennis, encourage that gift with tennis lessons. If another child loves to talk and tell jokes, give them opportunities to enroll in stage plays. Give your children opportunities to cultivate their gifts and find their own niches.

Become consistent with these habits. It might be challenging on some days when you’re not feeling the best. However, when you make these tips your main priorities, you’ll be able to reap amazing results from your fatherhood experience. You’ll create an environment where your children don’t grow up to become adults in need of therapy due to traumatic parenting.