A close-knit community includes healthy interpersonal relationships. As a community, one must take other people into consideration when providing support and looking to make an impact within their community. A part of supporting one’s community is coming...
Miami is full of surprises from its beautiful beaches and acclaimed restaurants to family-friendly events and vibrant architecture. However, did you know that Miami has a number of wildlife attractions? If you love animals and sea life, Miami has something for...
Many come to Miami in the wintertime to escape the cold temperatures in the north. The thought of lounging on a beach while loved ones and co-workers back home are huddled in parkas brings a smile to many faces. Yet, there is more to Miami than its beautiful beaches....
Miami is known for its nightlife, beaches and cuisine. What many people do not realize is that there are a number of winter events that are very popular. If you are planning a vacation or even a staycation, get ready for packed weekends. From wine and food to horse...